Her Deliverance is another entry to the Horror RPG Maker gamejam, this time for the 6th one's theme: Fear The Devil!: Outgoing LINK
Truth be told, I was a bit nervous about making a game with a theological type of theme; I haven't been a part of any kind of religious practice since I was forced into it from birth to around age 11-12.
I'm always nervous about potentionally offending people of a specific faith, but I feel like I went about it in a neutral-enough way. The game, at it's core, is about a woman who's suffering from what appears to be posession of some sort of demonic force.
Going into this gamejam like always, I only had a very rough idea to go off of before diving head-first into the engine to whip up something as a base. I'm a bit proud of myself with this entry, being that I added a couple of puzzles that can end in game over's quite easily, including a bit of a red-herring at one point (:
The game focuses, as stated, around a woman who is in need of assistance with her..."problem". When working on the story, I knew from the beginning that I wanted the main character to look like an average person- someone who you could run into at the store or see walking their dog down the street- someone who doesn't stand out much (beyond her fading, formerly dyed hair).
Because I was working on this entry on and off during some busy time irl, I think the overall "story" fell quite short, but I feel that's acceptable in terms of a gamejam entry. I was particularly excited to add my own flair or assets, as it were- in the form of gorey blobs of "flesh" and things like that.
Part of me felt discouraged a bit with this entry at some moments; I feel like a lot of my games tend to be..."difficult to follow" for some, even when I make it a point to "help guide" the player despite. I honestly really dislike it when games hold your hand when it comes to exploration or letting you figure things out on your own.
But for this game, I felt like it was maybe made somewhat difficult gameplay wise? At least in a very specific segment (sliding spike obstacles that the player must navigate around or be met with an instant Game Over). I apologize for the inconvenience!
Again, I'm constantly learning how to make games. I love to learn about RPG Maker; it's a major special interest of mine, even if I'm not the best at it! I like sharing my little stories with the world, and I hope you'll try it out, maybe just for a bit.
Thank you for your patience, and I hope this somewhat spooky game won't be too much- all submitted before Halloween!! ^w^/